Practice simultaneous and get feedback with GoReact - September 2021 (63:41)

About this insiders training 🔎

Whether you’re just starting out, studying for an accreditation exam, adding a new language, or preparing for a complicated assignment, practice is essential for interpreters.

And although the internet is packed with practice speeches and videos, downloading them, synching the original and your interpretation, and getting feedback from peers can be a hassle.

Enter GoReact: a web-based tool that makes it easy to listen to the original and your interpretation at the same time and provide feedback in a snap.

In this interactive hour-long webinar, you’ll learn to:

  • Record audio and video of your consecutive or simultaneous interpretation

  • Listen to both tracks in sync

  • Provide feedback using text, audio or video

    Since GoReact supports dual video tracks, it's perfect for both signed and spoken language interpreting practice on your own, with a partner, in practice groups, or in interpreting courses.

    Join techforword and the GoReact team and take this time-saving tool for a spin!

Access the training 🔓

This training is available to techforword insiders members.

If you’re a member, click here to access this training.

Not a member yet? You can learn more and sign up here.



Manage glossaries - and your entire interpreting career - with Airtable - October 2021 (72:17)


Four (and a half) terminology treasures for translators and interpreters - August 2021 (64:07)